Birth Defect Claims In Connecticut

Jan 22nd, 2016 | Firm News

Birth defects can cause a lifelong burden, both financially and emotionally. While a special needs child is both a gift and a miracle to any family that lovingly cares for him or her, the reality of the challenges is real and cannot be ignored. Many Connecticut families are struggling to make financial ends meet right now because of the high costs of raising their child or children with special needs.

How Can Our Medical Malpractice Lawyers Help?

Our law office, Lynch, Traub, Keefe & Errante, PC, is familiar with the difficulties faced by parents of special needs children. That is because we have represented countless Connecticut families in the pursuit of claims against the negligent physicians, obstetricians, hospitals and medical facilities that caused their children’s birth injuries. In fact, we have been representing parents in these kinds of New Haven medical malpractice lawsuits for over 70 years.

We handle all manner of birth injury cases, including Erb’s Palsy, shoulder dystocia, brain damage, failure to prescribe a Caesarian section, failure to monitor and respond to negative conditions before, during and after child birth and a wide variety of other cases — many of which are do not fit into a specific category.

While most pregnancies proceed without complication, and while most complications are not that serious and can easily be resolved, even a slightly inappropriate response to a complication can cause a baby to suffer lifelong injuries and disabilities. Connecticut parents whose children have suffered injury in this fashion are definitely in need of compensation to pay for the care of their babies. Without it, they might not be able to provide their children with the quality of life that every child deserves.

Speak to an Experienced Injury Attorney Today

At Lynch, Traub, Keefe & Errante, PC, we are available to speak with you about your special needs child and his or her birth defects completely free of charge. During a free initial consultation, we will advise you of your legal rights and options and whether we believe you have a viable claim for damages at no obligation to you and your family.