Tactics Car Insurance Companies Use to Devalue or Deny Valid Claims

Jun 2nd, 2024 | Uncategorized

When you’re injured in a car accident, you expect your insurance company to be there for you, helping you recover the compensation you need to move forward. Unfortunately, insurance companies are businesses first and foremost, and their primary goal is to protect their bottom line.

This means that they may employ various tactics to devalue or even deny valid claims, leaving you struggling to pay your bills and recover from your injuries. Below, we will explore some of the strategies that car insurance companies may use to prevent you from recovering a fair settlement.

Asking for a Recorded Statement Soon After the Accident

One of the most common insurance bad faith tactics is to request a recorded statement from you shortly after the accident. They may pressure you to give this statement, claiming that it is necessary to process your claim. However, the real purpose of this statement is often to find inconsistencies or admissions that can be used against you later.

You are not obligated to provide a recorded statement to the other party’s insurance company. If you are asked to record a statement, decline the request. Instead, consult with an attorney who can protect your rights and communicate with the insurer on your behalf.

Requesting Broad Access to Your Medical Records

Insurance companies may also attempt to gain broad access to your medical records, even those that predate the accident. They may use this information to argue that your injuries were pre-existing or unrelated to the crash.

To protect your privacy and your claim, limit the insurance company’s access to only the medical records that are directly relevant to your accident-related injuries. An attorney can help you navigate these requests and ensure that your private information remains protected.

Offering a Settlement Before You Know the Full Value of Your Claim

Another tactic insurers employ is to offer you a quick settlement before you have a chance to fully assess the extent of your injuries and damages. They may pressure you to accept this offer, claiming it is the best you will get. However, initial settlement offers are often far lower than what your claim is truly worth.

By accepting an early offer, you may be giving up your right to seek additional compensation later on if your injuries turn out to be more severe than initially thought. To avoid financial hardship in the future, always consult with an attorney before accepting any settlement offer.

Questioning Liability or Claiming That You Were Responsible

Insurance companies may attempt to shift blame for the accident onto you, even if the other party was clearly at fault. They may look for any evidence that suggests you were partially responsible, such as minor traffic violations or inconsistencies in your account. An attorney can help you fight against these unfair allegations and protect your rights.

Trust Lynch, Traube, Keefe & Errante to Protect Your Best Interests

If you have been in a car accident and are facing challenges with your insurance claim, you need someone in your corner. At Lynch, Traub, Keefe & Errante, our New Haven car accident attorneys are well-versed in these strategies and are committed to protecting your rights.

We understand the frustration and financial strain that can result from an undervalued or denied claim, and we will fight aggressively for your right to fair compensation. Contact us today at (203) 333-3333 for a free consultation and let us fight for the settlement you deserve.