Firm News

Violence In Hospitals Is A Source Of Hospital Negligence

Feb 5th, 2015 | Firm News

Hospital negligence can take many forms. Many of these can be administrative in nature, such as poor hiring practices, unqualified personnel, staff shortages, inadequate training and lack of supervision. Others can relate to the physical facility itself, including dangerous or unsanitary conditions either in emergency rooms, operating rooms or patient rooms. Physical Violence an Increasing…

Why Are Expert Witnesses Required In Medical Malpractice Cases?

Feb 5th, 2015 | Firm News

When a plaintiff files a medical malpractice lawsuit, the claim is usually that health care providers were negligent in providing care, and as a result of the provider’s negligence, the plaintiff suffered personal injury or other harm. Negligence is a legal cause of action involving the breach of a duty that one person owes to…

Can Medical Malpractice And Wrongful Death Suits Work Together?

Feb 5th, 2015 | Firm News

One of the requirements for a medical malpractice lawsuit is that the patient filing it must have suffered some harm as a result of a doctor’s or other health care professional’s error, that constitutes the basis of the lawsuit. An unfortunate possibility is that the harm suffered may ultimately become fatal in nature. Can Medical…

Can I Sue For Loss Of Consortium As A Result Of Wrongful Death?

Jan 27th, 2015 | Firm News

The death of one spouse caused by the negligent act of another person can be the subject of a lawsuit for money damages brought by the administrator of the deceased person’s estate. Some of these damages are easy to identify, such as lost potential earnings, medical expenses prior to death and funeral expenses. Other damages…

Autopsy May Show Medical Malpractice In Dental Patient’s Death

Jan 22nd, 2015 | Firm News

Medical malpractice endangers many lives in Connecticut. Recent reports indicate that a dental practitioner had his license suspended following the death of his patient, an elderly woman. Autopsy reports done by the medical examiner at the hospital where the elderly woman died, indicated that she had died of cardio-pulmonary complications. What Conditions Caused the Victim’s…