Firm News
Car Crashes Are A Major Cause Of Brain Injuries
If you watch football games, you have no doubt seen players suffer head injuries. It happens in other sports, as well. However, car crashes account for thousands of traumatic brain injury cases every year. There are two forms of traumatic brain injury. An open TBI happens when a foreign object pierces the skull and enters…
Three Common Labor And Delivery Complications
When you’re expecting a child, you hope everything goes right with your pregnancy, labor and delivery. Even if your pregnancy goes well, you may encounter problems when it comes time to give birth. Your hospital and your doctor or midwife should be ready to deal with any complications that arise. Here are some common labor and…
Three Common Winter Injuries (And How To Prevent Them)
Wintertime is full of surprises and hazardous situations. You can easily suffer an injury in the winter while performing basic tasks and during normal activities. Slipping and falling, experiencing a car accident and developing frostbite are all common types of injuries that occur during the cold months. Thankfully, prevention is possible. You can enjoy this time…
Things That Can Keep Patients And Doctors From Getting Along
A good relationship with your physician is essential to your health. Poor communication and a lack of trust can cause avoidable errors. It can even lead to negligence and medical malpractice. What are some of the biggest roadblocks to positive patient-doctor relationships? There are many reasons people don’t have good experiences with health care clinicians,…
Cold Weather And Increased Road Hazards
The fall and winter months in Connecticut are full of interesting events and beautiful sights. As you are driving around, make sure you take proper safety measures. Some road hazards are more common in colder months than in summer and spring. Here are some potential dangers to be aware of when you head out in…
Health Conditions Doctors Commonly Misdiagnose
Because so many medical conditions improve considerably with early detection, a missed or inaccurate diagnosis can mean the difference between a full recovery and no recovery at all. Doctors, like all humans, are not immune to error, but medical errors can have catastrophic effects on your health and your ability to get better. Doctors commonly misdiagnose…
Drunk Driving Defense: Know The Options
Motorists can deal with a drunk driving charge in a variety of ways, more than most people would think. There are effective defenses for those who are actually innocent, along with defenses that can help drivers against whom there is compelling evidence. In general, it is your defense attorney’s job to make sure the penalties…