
Warning Signs That You Should Avoid A Daycare Provider

Aug 22nd, 2018 | Firm News

Leaving your child in the care of someone else is not easy. You may worry about their well-being the entire time you’re at work. You may dread getting that phone call from the daycare center or the hospital. At the same time, there is little you can do to avoid daycare. You want to keep…

Most Common Cognitive Problems After A Traumatic Brain Injury

Aug 22nd, 2018 | Firm News

A traumatic brain injury (TBI) can change your life forever. Unlike other parts of the body, the brain may not heal completely after suffering damage. The impact of head trauma is different for everyone. Many factors contribute to the outcome, such as the severity of the injury, the affected location, the type of injury, the…

Why “Good Kids” Still Make Dangerous Teen Drivers

Aug 16th, 2018 | Firm News

People often make the mistake of assuming that “bad kids” end up becoming bad drivers. They hear about teenagers who drive recklessly or text behind the wheel, and they assume these children break rules, refuse to listen to authority and care about no one but themselves. They assume they’re irresponsible, uneducated and careless. While that…

Documentary Explores The Dark Side Of The Medical Device Industry

Aug 8th, 2018 | Firm News

Netflix’s newest documentary, “The Bleeding Edge,” brings a different perspective to the medical device industry as filmmakers recount patients’ experiences with poorly researched and regulated medical devices. According to Forbes, most devices face little to no regulation and are favored over similar products because manufacturers persuade doctors to use their products instead. The complications could…

What Is Cerebral Palsy And Why Are Babies Born With It?

Aug 3rd, 2018 | Firm News

Having your baby suffer a serious injury at birth can be devastating for parents. If the injury is preventable, grief can worsen. Not all birth injuries are the result of medical malpractice, although, some doctors fail to meet the standard of care during labor and delivery. There are several possible causes of abnormal development or…

Study: Medical Error Is America’s Number 3 Cause Of Death

Aug 2nd, 2018 | Firm News

The number one cause of death in the United States is heart disease. At number two is cancer, with its many variations. These are well-known threats. People understand the links between obesity and heart disease. They know that cancer can come from many sources, from asbestos to smoking to the sun itself. Many of us…