New Mothers’ Health Risks: Serious Infections After Childbirth
The birth of a child is joyful experience for a family. In the days that follow, they will learn how to handle some major life adjustments. A downside is that some women are at risk for developing an infection in the days and weeks following childbirth. It is imperative that new mothers work with their…
Hospital Patients Deserve A Safe Environment
Patient safety in hospitals must be a priority. These institutions must have measures in place to ensure that anyone who is admitted or undergoes outpatient tests and procedures can remain safe. In hospital settings, even one small error or a single employee who doesn’t do their job correctly can cause catastrophic results for patients. The…
Plan Ahead For Parties To Avoid Drunk Driving Charges
Outdoor parties and barbecues are commonplace this time of year. For many, these come with adult beverages that can liven things up a bit. Unfortunately, many people fail to make safe travel plans for getting home if they’ve had too much to drink. Not everyone who spends time with friends and family members will drink…
Summertime Fun Around Water Must Be Carefully Monitored
One of the hallmark activities of summer is spending time in the water. No matter where you choose to do this, you need to ensure that you are being as safe as possible. Drownings and near drownings can put a halt on the summertime fun in an instant. Anyone who is going to spend time…
For Teenagers, Summer Joyriding Can End In Tragedy
During the summer months, young people take to the roads to spend time in the lovely weather. Unfortunately, the 100 days between Memorial Day and Labor day are the deadliest of the year for teenage drivers. This coincides with an uptick in the time that these new drivers are on the roads due to a…
Distracted Driving Kills And Injures Innocent People
Distracted driving can permanently affect the negligent driver and change the lives of everyone around them. If you are operating a motor vehicle, you need to pay attention. When motorists send text messages, use phone apps, “multitask” or participate in other dangerous activities behind the wheel, the results can be deadly. If you notice that…
Brush Up On Common Causes Of Car Crashes
Car crashes claim lives and lead to very serious injuries. Before you head out on the road this spring and summer, make sure you remember some of the most common causes for auto accidents. The information could help you avoid being in a serious wreck. The spring and summer months are especially troubling for traffic…