
Field Sobriety Tests: They’re Not All The Same

Mar 27th, 2018 | Firm News

Many things happen when cops stop motorists on suspicion of drunk driving. The entire stop can be an unnerving experience for anyone, even those who are fully sober. At some point during a traffic stop, a law enforcement officer may ask the driver to take a field sobriety test. These tests come in a variety…

Can I Make A Malpractice Claim After My Baby’s Traumatic Birth?

Mar 14th, 2018 | Firm News

Having a baby should be a wonderful experience, but childbirth can be a complicated undertaking. The responsibility of doctors and hospital staff is to make sure that all medical possibilities are accounted for. Unfortunately, not all deliveries go smoothly. Complications and unexpected problems can heighten the risk of injury to both the mother and the…

You Should Protect Yourself When Seeking Medical Care

Feb 21st, 2018 | Firm News

Seeking proper medical care is essential, especially when you are concerned about a serious condition for yourself or a family member. It is important to trust the doctors and nurses to make decisions that are in your best interests. But while you might be tempted to follow their advice without any question or doubt, you…

Life Can Change Drastically After A Cervical Spine Injury

Jan 27th, 2018 | Firm News

Injuries to the cervical spinal nerves, located in the neck, can be life changing. Spinal cord injuries impact the area below the injury, which means that your entire body except for your head can be affected by an injury to this area of the spinal cord. The higher the level of spinal cord injury, the…

Does Your Employer Understand Your Brain Injury?

Dec 26th, 2017 | Firm News

Mild traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) are deceptively destructive injuries that can disrupt or even destroy a victim’s entire career and lead to conflicts within a victim’s community. Unlike other injuries that present visible or otherwise easily identifiable symptoms, mild TBIs often seem like nothing to those who do not understand the scope of difficulties that…

Understand Your Options For Handling A Drunk Driving Charge

Dec 15th, 2017 | Firm News

A DUI arrest starts a series of events that can be very difficult to live with. You will have to go to court and possibly face significant civil penalties, depending on the circumstances of the case. Connecticut laws are strict when it comes to drunk driving. Understanding the law can help you determine how you…