The Difference Between Workers’ Compensation Claims vs. Personal Injury Lawsuits
When an employee gets injured while performing their job duties, they may have the right to pursue compensation through different legal avenues. The two most common options are workers’ compensation claims and personal injury lawsuits. While both types of claims may seem similar, they differ in several aspects, including the type of benefits available, fault…
What Are The Damages Available in a Connecticut Personal Injury Case?
If you have been injured by another person, you have the right to pursue financial compensation. In Connecticut, victims of negligence can file personal injury lawsuits, which hold an at-fault party accountable for any losses, known as damages, that the victim experienced. When filing a personal injury lawsuit, it is common to wonder what types…
What is Connecticut’s Modified Comparative Negligence Law?
If you were injured in an unexpected accident, you may want to file a personal injury lawsuit. This civil action provides financial compensation for any damages that you suffered as a result of the defendant’s negligence, such as medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering. You have the right to recover compensation for all…
Timeline of a New Haven Personal Injury Case
After an unexpected accident, you may want to pursue a personal injury lawsuit and recover financial compensation. These claims follow a series of careful steps, beginning with hiring a personal injury lawyer to represent your case. If you plan on filing a personal injury lawsuit in New Haven, it is important to know what to…
How the Passing of Connecticut House Bill 5255 Could Impact Motorcyclists
It is no secret that helmets can help prevent serious, life-threatening injuries in motorcycle accidents. However, Connecticut does not have a law in place that requires motorcyclists to wear these devices. This has not stopped politicians from trying to pass legislation that mandates motorcycle helmets—and thanks to House Bill 5255, this rule is coming closer…
What Are Unlawful Vehicle Modifications Under Connecticut Law?
Many vehicle owners make modifications to their cars for a wide range of performance and cosmetic purposes. However, some vehicle modifications are prohibited by Connecticut law. If you are planning on modifying your vehicle, it is important to know which changes are legal and which ones are unlawful. Modifications to Windows If you want to…
Retracted Study on Zantac’s Contamination Doesn’t End Liability
People take prescription medicine to treat a disease or reduce symptoms. Some drugs have known side effects that patients have to consider when determining if a course of treatment is worth the risk. Unfortunately, sometimes patients have risk for side effects that neither their physician nor the drug manufacturer warned them about beforehand. For example,…