New Haven Workers’ Compensation FAQ

In 70 years of representing injury victims in Connecticut, the attorneys of Lynch, Traub, Keefe & Errante have fielded countless questions about workers’ compensation. Below, in our New Haven workers’ compensation FAQ, we have provided answers to questions we hear every day from injured workers.

If you have more specific questions than we are able to answer on our website, we urge you to contact us for a completely free, confidential consultation. We will use that time to address your unique concerns, with no pressure to file a claim.

Q: What responsibilities do I have after a workplace accident?

A: Your most important job after being hurt at work is to immediately seek medical attention. Once you have secured your immediate safety, it is critical that you report your injury to your employer in a timely manner. Failure to do so could compromise an eventual workers’ compensation claim. Learn more about what to do after a workplace accident.

Q: Can I sue my employer if its negligence caused my accident?

A: Generally, no. Employers with workers’ compensation insurance are generally immune from injury lawsuits because the workers’ comp system allows for the compensation of injured workers. However, it may be possible to bring a lawsuit against a negligent third party.

Q: How long do I have to file a claim?

A: The statute of limitations in Connecticut is one year from the date of the injury. The sooner you take action, however, the better your chances of success.

Q: I cannot afford a lawyer if I’m missing work. Do I really need one?

A: In some cases, employers and workers’ compensation insurers do the right thing and pay out the benefits that injured workers deserve. Sadly, that is not always the case. If you have any concerns about your medical expenses, treatment by the insurance company or employment security, it is wise to speak with an attorney, if only to confirm or dismiss your concerns.

Keep in mind that workers’ compensation attorneys are paid out of your benefits award, so there is no cost to you personally to get legal help.

Q: Can I be fired because of an on-the-job injury?

A: It is both unethical and illegal for employers to terminate workers after a workplace accident. If you fear that your job is in jeopardy, consider speaking with an attorney about your workplace rights.

Contact Us Today Regarding Our New Haven Workers’ Compensation FAQ

To schedule a consultation at our office in New Haven, please contact us online, or call 203-333-3333 or 888-692-7403 toll free.